In defence of positive values; in fairness to all.
  The Liberal and Variety Website

The following is a copy of my reaction to the disablement of my account in Goldentalk. I sent this letter to the administration of Goldentalk on Sunday, December 4 and it's content will give people some good idea of why I am no longer a member of Goldentalk. Read on:

 This is to the administration of Goldentalk, and I will particularly want Jambutty to see this.

 I want start by saying that it was after I wrote the last letter of complaint to Goldentalk administration that I discovered that it was Jambutty who disabled my Goldentalk account. And he gave the spurious excuse that I posted a 'false information'. I would have liked to take him to task on what constitutes a 'false information' but the old man has taken an escapist posture by banning my account in Goldentalk.

TELL JAMBUTTY THAT I STILL STAND BY MY WORD THAT I HAVE BEEN SELLING VIRTAPAY DOLLARS AND THE FACT THAT I DID NOT DISCLOSE MY BUYERS TO HIM DOES NOT MEAN THAT I GAVE A FALSE INFORMATION. Jambutty asked me to provide the proof that I sold Virtapay and I rightly refused to do so for good reasons. First, there is no way by which a person can provide the proof of sale of Virtapay dollars without disclosing the identity of the buyer and in a situation where Virtapay buyers are rare and I have only two buyers, it will be very stupid for me to come to Virtapay forum to disclose the identity of my buyers all in the name of providing proof of payment. That will jeopardise my business and Jambutty knows this. He was only pretending that he wanted to investigate; I am sure that he is looking for a way to sell his own VP$ and he was angry with me because he was frustrated by my refusal to tell him who I sell my VP$ to. What stops him from stepping out to find his own buyers? C'mon! I am a businessman and I am doing business and I am not a Father Christmas who will be compromising strategic business secrets all in the name of helping others! And would Jambutty ever help me if I am the one who asks him for such important information? The answer is a capital NO. And knowing the type of vindictive and unforgiving person Jambutty is, assuming that I altered the proof of my sales of VP$  to exclude the identity of my buyers and I presented it to the forum that way, he would still have refused to accept it as a proof since the identities of my buyers are excluded. What he was interested in is the identity of my buyers and that was his headache.

Secondly, the sales of VP$ is not yet official and it is not for me to be publicly encouraging people to sell. Till today, I still don't know how Virtapay administration will react if they know that some people are already selling VP$. I sold my own VP$ on a couple or so occasions and it was only because I was approached by those buyers. Coming to Virtapay forum to be encouraging people to sell or to be introducing buyers to them may be tantamount to engaging in an act which may be deemed to be illegal or at least unethical by Virtapay administration.

Apart from that, even if Jambutty is not interested selling VP$ (and he would most likely sell it if he has the opportunity that I have), why should I be expected to be so foolish as to come to make such information available to every Dick and Harry in a public forum? Jambutty thought he was dealing with a stupid person. He was dead wrong. I prefer to forgo my membership of Goldentalk rather than let out an information that is of such strategic importance to me. The bottom line is that IT IS NOT A CASE OF POSTING FALSE INFORMATION (for it is overwhelmingly true that I sell VP$); RATHER, IT IS A CASE OF ME JEALOUSLY GUARDING A BUSINESS SECRET THAT IS PRECIOUS TO ME! That is exactly why I ignored Jambutty when he asked me to post proof of my sales of VP$. If you look at my posts in Goldentalk, you will see that I have always been up to the task in responding to questions posed to me; and so on this particular occasion when I refused to give a response, it was with good reasons. Thus, Jambutty's allegation that I posted false information is baseless and malicious, and it is quite unfortunate that such a silly pronouncement can come from a man that is almost old enough to be my father.

 Let me state it categorically here that I don't care about Goldentalk anymore and I do not care if my membership is unbanned again. That is none of my business. I have prospered before joining Goldentalk and I will continue to prosper now that I am no longer a member of Goldentalk. There is so much to do! I am a very busy businessman myself and I have a lot of better engagements in other places where I am much better appreciated. I don't have any problem with any other Goldentalk moderators apart from Jambutty. He is too vindictive, snubbish, quarrelsome and utterly unappreciative of people who show him respect. I remember that at a stage, I even wrote two letters of apology to him; one was an open one and the other was personal. Inspite of all this, he still came back to the forum to be talking harshly to me. I was once worried that I have made him angry and that was why I sent the reconciliatry notes to him. It is only a person who does not have the fear of God who will be unmoved after being tendered apology and also begged in the name of God. What else does he want? Is he God? Have I not continued moving on smoothly with my life despite the laughable ban?

A lot of Goldentalk people have written to me to show their solidarity and I can see that many people are fed up with Jambutty's high-handedness and rigidity. Jambutty comes to the forum and he was always the accuser, the judge and at the same time the one who carries out so-called punishments. In what way is this different from tyranny?

I am not expecting to be a Goldentalk member again but I am happy that I stick to my principles till the end and that I have stated my own side of the story here.

God is with me and nothing will stop Him from promoting me to the greatness that I am destined to achieve.


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